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I'm spending all of 2012 learning and experiencing new things. This blog is my way of documenting it all, while keeping my family and friends back in the states in the loop. Here's to 2012. Check out my website- Kat Carney Photography

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Letting go

I don't remember having this kind of nervousness all the other times I moved. Maybe it's because I'm older and more practical, and in a way I know what to expect. Maybe it's because this is the biggest move I have ever made. Maybe it's because I don't speak the language of the place I'm going. Maybe it's because I am facing fears and chasing dreams, and doesn't that tend to be nerve racking?

Naturally, there is one more obstacle before I go. I realized today I lost my debit card. I literally have no idea where it is or when I lost it. I never use it, but it could come in handy overseas if they don't take Discover some places. I guess I'll have to drop by the bank tomorrow morning before my flight. I wonder if they mail stuff to Spain.

Well, here goes nothing. So long Kansas. See you in a couple years...maybe :)

Beautiful Kansas

Friday, December 23, 2011

Old letters

I have been sorting through everything I own for the last few days in preparation for paring it down to one suitcase and one carry on piece of luggage that I will need to live out of for the next year and a half.

I love traveling light.  When you travel a lot it is so much easier to pack light. You learn that almost no one sees you wear the same thing twice anyway! In fact, I love living with practically nothing. I don't like owning things. I don't like the way things seem to anchor people down. It's as if it becomes such a pain to move everything that they don't ever bother doing it. I can fit pretty much everything I own into my car, and I still think I have too much stuff. I don't really even like owning a car! But I do love being mobile, so I guess that comes with the territory when living in most parts of the states.

I'm looking forward to simplifying life (in some ways) and packing so little for such a long period of time. However, there are some things I can't live without: my camera(s) and all my lenses and my macbook are all that really come to mind.

I've never really had a hard time letting material possessions go. It's the sentimental things that get me. Today I found a bunch of old letters- from friends past and present, ex-boyfriends (and their families), and even the current boyfriend :).

I love looking back and remembering all the good times I've had in my life through these letters. I have been so blessed to experience so much in what seems to be so little time. I'm only 24 after all.

What I found truly hilarious is that at least half of the letters had some sort of comment about how stubborn I am and how I always find a way to get what I want.  Also, almost all of them were written when I really needed some kind words during a rough spot in my life (my many transitions and knee surgeries ect...)

It's amazing how much those who love you believe in you, even when sometimes you don't believe in yourself. I need to do a better job of telling people what they mean to me and why I love them so much.

Life is almost always pretty killer, but sometimes life sucks as much as curves on dirt roads when it's really dry outside and you can't see where you're going. But if you walk out of the wreckage only slightly bruised and scratched (maybe with a broken rib or jaw and your friends are there to get you out of jail) then you are doing all right. (haha...Jana, you are the best!)

I love Paulo Coelho's wisdom.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Amy visits

I kind of suck at doing this everyday, but I'm not that interesting anyway so who cares. Amy came to Wichita from Phoenix for a mini vacation (What, Wichita and vacation in the same sentence? I know, right?) But we had fun and it was so good to see her. Went to the botanical gardens to see the luminaries with mi madre, hung out with Carmen, and went to the Shamrock with my brother and cousin. It doesn't get much more classy than that, but hey that's how we roll.

Hope you made it home safe Amy!

Amy went ghosty on us at the luminary night at the botanical gardens in Wichita.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Turning over a new leaf

Yesterday was hard. I packed up all my stuff and said my final goodbyes in Chanute and then drove out of town for the last time in a long time. I consider myself fortunate for being able to spend the last two years with the people in that town. There is something special about living in a small town. I always thought I was a city girl, not that Wichita is huge or anything. But when I moved to New York and loved it, I thought maybe that was the life for me. Now I don't know because I love the outdoors, I love being able to see the stars, and I love being able to drive for two minutes and be on a dirt road in the middle of nowhere.

The city in Spain I'm going to live in is about the size of Wichita, so it's not too big. But it also boasts beautiful beaches, crystal clear waters, and 70 degree weather in the winter. Not too shabby :)

Goodbye country living, hello beach living. I did a story on this cowboy for the Tribune because he was headed to Team Roping Nationals in Wyoming. It was on of my first experiences with the rodeo and it was a blast! His family was so nice and his dad and brother wouldn't stop talking about how proud they were of him. So cute!

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Packing is more work than I thought it would be :(. I also hate doing it so it's taking a lot longer than I thought it would. Still a few things to mark off the checklist before I leave Chanute.

It's been two years since I've moved. I understand how people become comfortable somewhere and just never leave. It's easier not to leave to be honest. No goodbyes, no packing, no fear of the unknown. Ever since I started college I have been restless, moving somewhere new almost every chance I had. I've been in the same place for two years. I have great work experience in both coaching and the journalism field. But it is time to move on...to Spain!  New country, new culture, new language, new start. Well, mostly a new start. Although I won't see them that much I still hope to have a lot of my favorite people in my life.

I love balloons. This is from a balloon release last winter at St. Pat's Grade School. They tie notes on the ends of balloons and the people who find them can send mail or email to the school letting them know they were found. Last year a hunter found a balloon nearly five hours from Chanute!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

My Girls!

Most of my girls are leaving today and tomorrow for Christmas break. I just want all of you guys to know how much I have enjoyed being your coach and how much I will always enjoy being your friend. Your love of the game helped reignite my love for it. Today at open gym all I could do was sit and smile because you all play with such heart. Never lose that. Fight with everything you have and you'll go to Nationals next year. Forget Cowley, forget Johnson...you guys will be the team to beat.  In the spring when you don't feel like lifting I hope you think of me and lift anyway. Because even though I'll be across the ocean, I'll be training with you (and wishing you were there training with me :)

"Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." T.S Eliot

We released sky lanterns at Belinda's house for her birthday last year. I was stressed because I didn't want anyone to release them early and we were stupid and only brought one lighter! Good times :)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


I forgot to mention in yesterday's post one of my MOST favorite memories from Chanute- Dinner and movie nights at Ben and Becky Smith's house. You guys are a huge part of why I love Chanute...how could I ever forget!?

Other than that I have this from Paulo Coelho, one of my favorite authors. "Sometimes happiness is a blessing, but generally it is a conquest. Each day's magic moment helps us to change and sends us off in search of our dreams."

Braiden Ayers playing on the merry-go-round at Santa Fe park this summer.  Mindy, Chad, Ashton, Blake, and Braiden are the best and always welcomed me with open arms.  Braiden asked me to help with his math homework after this park excursion...haha!

Monday, December 12, 2011


It's hard to think about seeing people for the last time for at least a couple of years. Moving on and transitioning to a new phase of life is always difficult, but often my excitement overshadows everything else.  I'm am so excited for the future, but at the same time so thankful for the memories and experiences I have had here.

Here are some of my favorite memories from Chanute:
Powered parachuting over the countryside this summer
Both Memorial Day parties at Donna and Gary's
Sitting out in the middle of fields (with Marilynn Rutledge) photographing crazy lightning storms
When my girls beat Fort Scott at home in front of an insane crowd
Road trips with the volleyball team and Asya Herron
Crop tour my first summer in Chanute
Getting to know everyone in the Herron family
Too many crazy stories covered for the Chanute Tribune to mention (Good times with Marilynn, Dianna, Andrea, Rhonda, Misty, Amy, Shanna, and Stu in our one room office after our building burnt down)

Summer of 2011 for the Chanute Tribune on a powered parachute headed from Iola to Chanute at 5:30 a.m.  I was beyond excited to go on this ride and I didn't even consider the fact that I might get sick. I puked over the side twice, but it was still a lot of fun. We flew low next to deer running through open fields, and high over lakes and trees. I love flying, but next time I'll take dramamine. 

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Just a few days left

Before I begin my 365 days of new experiences and photos I want to look back on my past two years in Chanute, KS. I never thought I'd end up back here, and even more surprising than that is the fact that I never thought I'd end up loving this place as much as I do. There is truly beauty everywhere.  I'll post a new Chanute pic everyday until I leave.

Main Street Chanute last winter just before Christmas. I love Main Street because I can stand in the middle of the street to take photos and instead of people honking and yelling at me, they stop to talk and see what I'm up to.